Administrative Ministries
Learn more about any of the administrative ministries at St. Marks listed below by filling out the contact form online! Perhaps you’ll be inspired to volunteer!
Communication Ministry
We maintain a website, social media channels, and a YouTube account. We would like to expand our advertising and outreach to the community, but need help to do so! If you are interested or have experience, please join us.
Endowment Board Ministry
Our board provides oversight and management of the church’s Endowment Fund.
Finance Ministry
This ministry ensures the financial stability of the church.
Human Resources Ministry
We serve as an advisory group to the Rector, staff, and Vestry regarding paid staff. HR sources new candidates, provides counsel for existing employees and maintains the Employee Handbook and policies. It ensures compliance with Federal, State, and Local employment laws and Diocesan rules. Ministry members collaborate with the Finance Ministry regarding salaries, benefits, payroll, and budgets. If you are an HR professional, we could always use more help!
Property Ministry
Caring for our beautiful, historical property is the goal of this ministry. We carefully plan for building upkeep and larger projects to ensure the safety, security, and beauty of our sacred space.
Stewardship Ministry
We plan yearly fundraising and giving for the life of the parish. We work to ensure the budgetary needs of our congregation are met.
Safety Ministry
Saint Mark's Safety Ministry works to provide a safe environment for all members, staff, and visitors. We share our love of God by offering our time and talents in our efforts to provide safe, peaceful spaces for worship, fellowship and community.